Financial Summary
Loan collections have also been growing strongly each year since inception and reached a cumulative amount of Rs 11 Cr (USD 1.76 Mn) on 31-Mar-19. Collection efficiency for 2018-19 has averaged at 92%; Considering 2.5 loan cycles during last year, this implies a collection efficiency of 97%+ in each loan cycle

By the grace of the Almighty, Loan disbursals at TLF are growing each year. Loan disbursals have been growing each year since inception and have reached a cumulative amount of Rs 12 Cr (USD 1.95 Mn) on 31-March-2019. The total value of loans disbursed in 2018-19 has reached Rs 2.2 Cr (USD 0.32 Mn) as shown below.

The number of loan disbursals has been growing continuously and reached a total number of 19,958 as on 31-Mar-19. The average loan has increased consistently to Rs 7,118 (USD 103) per borrower per cycle in 2018-19 & most loans range from between Rs 4,000 to Rs 12,000. Unlike other for-profit microfinance companies, we do not encourage large increases in loan size in successive cycles as this encourages profligacy and is not in the best interest of the borrower. Loan is given as per business requirement so that it meets need for capital but does not exceed it.