Lifeline Foundation facilitated adoption of solar lights for 106 micro-entrepreneurs with a goal of enabling increased working hours and thereby income uplift for them. Street vendors work in the evening use makeshift lighting solutions which have low reliability. Many work without access to electricity at the shops / cards and hence depend on lead acid battery or streetlights for lighting. The solar lights purchase this problem by giving them and option to change their lights via solar power during the day and with the help of lithium-ion batteries they get consistent and reliable backup power up to 5 hours per day. Next line The pilot done in collaboration with lifeline Foundation showed evidence of up to 42% increase in daily income for food vendors and up to 29% increase in daily income so fruit and vegetable vendors after adopting the solar lights full stop the lights that are priced INR 2200 by the retailers were given at a subsidy of INR 600 by Udhyam and remaining in easy instalments of INR 100 week offers and foundation for 15 weeks. This all this problem and made the technology affordable. Life spent INR 1,74,740 purchasing and distributing it to select members.
Oct 2023 -106 Entrepreneurs helped with solar lights partnering with Udhyam Foundation
Category : Social Service | Uncategorized